
I would like to keep this blog open to as many contributors as I can but please try to follow these simple rules...

1.  This blog is not a competition about who's kids is smartest or cutest or fastest or whatever.  Try to avoid phrases like, "my kid is the smartest kid in the world, look what she did."  Of course you think your kid is the smartest, but I think mine is so let's just leave it at that :). 

2.  This blog is not a forum for debating "hot topics" of the mothering variety.  In other words, let's avoid getting into any arguments or deep conversations that we have a strong opinion on.

3.  This blog is an open/public blog.  When sharing stories, please leave some anonymity.  Do not put last names, addresses or any information that you wouldn't want random people to read.

4.  Pictures make the blog.  Try to include pictures if you can.  It's understood that sometimes you just don't have a camera when you need it...and that's ok.  But we all love pictures.

5.  Feel free to include marriage stories too (sometimes our spouses are big kids right??) but let's not let this become a husband bashing blog.  We love them for the silly things they do but please don't post anything that they wouldn't want you to post or that would embarrass them.

6.  As moderator of this blog, I have the right to delete any posts that I feel are inappropriate.

That's all.  Have fun!